Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Why Rizals Life Is Worth Emulating free essay sample

We can learn a lot from our schools but there are things that we learn outside the four walls of our classrooms, and we can get those from our parents and from our environment. Learning doesn’t mean just mere studying our lessons but learning is the process of acquiring new information and storing it in our brains for future use for the betterment of ourselves and for others. Just like our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, he acquired first his knowledge inside their house.At 3 years old he knows already the alphabet and how to pray and to read the Holy Bible which is for an ordinary child of today, is very hard. At his early age he has already signs of being a genius, at the age of 5 he begin to make sketches and mould clays into objects, he also had his first poem and first dramatic work when he was 8 years old. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Rizals Life Is Worth Emulating? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I think having a very understanding and encouraging family was one of the reasons why Jose Rizal was very active making literary works and discovering new things that will make his family proud.Just to provide the education Jose Rizal needed, his parents hire a tutor and actually he has 3 tutors before he left Binan to study to a formal school. Rizal was one of the luckiest children in the country in those years because his parents can finance his studies because studying was only for those Spaniards, mestizos and rich Filipinos at that time. When Rizal finished studying at Binan, his father wanted Rizal to p-pursue his studies. So he took his college degree of Bachelor of Arts at Ateneo de Municipal and Rizal graduated with highest honor, which was only 16 years old.As I’ve said earlier only the Spaniards, mestizos and rich Filipinos have the privileged to study and Rizal having the highest honor was a great achievement because he defeated all his classmate that was a lot fl uent than him in their Latin and Spanish subjects. Jose Rizal was still thirsty for knowledge so he still continues his studies at University of Santo Thomas taking up Philosophy and Letters and Medicine. At his Philosophy and Letters course, all of his marks are excellent but with Medicine his marks are somewhat not impressive because as he says his professors discriminated the Filipinos and they are also bias.It is already a proved that these Spaniards are power hunger that they wanted to control all the Filipinos and make them do whatever they wanted. Because of these instances Jose Rizal decided to continue his medicine course at Universidad de Madrid where he also took his doctorate of the said course. At an early age, Rizal possessed curiosity about his environment which I think is lack in this generation because as we all know children are now super into gadgets that sometimes they are playing with it the whole day without noticing it.And because of these gadgets or technologies we have right now, is the reason why children of today set aside their studies not unlike Rizal. Rizal also has the love for books where he learns new things like his magic tricks. And again because of internet, children are lazy to scan their books because with they are just one click away from the answer they needed. Jose can also adapt easily with the changes in his environment particularly during his studies to different places.Being an Indio was not a hindrance to go to the top of the class because as a matter of fact he uses this racial discrimination thing to strengthened him and be able to prove those who discriminate the Filipino that they were wrong and let them know that being a Filipino is not to be ashamed of but to be proud of. As he aims for a higher education, Rizal became more open about the drastic ruling of the Spaniards which wake up his sleeping nationalism and patriotism to his country.And as a result he studied a lot and tried to fight the Spanish government by his writing and serve as an eye opener to the Filipinos. As a student, I can say that the traits of Dr. Jose Rizal are all worth emulating especially when it comes to studies and the love for the country. His passion for learning was one the best trait that we must follow because we all know that learning will mold an d help us to be better as a person and have a better life in the future not just for our family but for the whole country.

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